Dispose Responsibly
Dispose Responsibly
Dispose Responsibly
The Postal Service is reminding employees to maintain healthy workplaces by disposing of trash, recyclable items, hazardous materials, and other refuse responsibly. The following items should NEVER be sent to the Mail Recovery Center (Atlanta, GA); the Material Distribution Center (Topeka, KS); MTESC locations, or the Ybor City, FL, Processing and Distribution Center:
- Trash
- Food
- Postal Service retail products/packaging (unopened or loose)
- Detergents and cleaning products
- Hazardous materials including batteries and fluorescent bulbs
- Used Tires
- Office equipment (chairs, desks, filing cabinets, etc.)
- Expired paper forms (PS Forms 3971, 2976, 2976A, 2976B, 3200, 4232, DS82, etc.)
- Retail products (including new and used ReadyPost/EPS)
Make sure you follow the correct policy for the type of item being disposed. The Postal Operations Manual outlines policies for how to handle undeliverable mail, while the Sustainability Blue page has information on how to handle hazardous materials. You can also visit eDispose, an application designed to provide employees with guidance and information related to disposing and reutilizing items.
For more information, refer to the Waste Stream Assessment and Characterization Environmental Compliance Bulletin.