Absent a contractual agreement, local businesses are not permitted on postal property for commercial purposes, including to display commercial advertising.
Follow the guidelines on Poster 7 regarding rules for conduct on Postal Service property.
That’s our smart business.
Find Poster 7 at PolicyNet under Essential Links on the Blue home page.
How do you establish a successful safety program? Managers are committed to making it work and employees stay involved. There are policies to identify and abate hazards. There’s compliance with OSHA requirements. And employees are trained on safe work practices and procedures.
Supporting your safety program supports a culture of safety.
And that’s smart safety!
For additional information or guidance, contact your safety office.
School zones are areas marked off near all schools and have slower speed limits, especially during school hours. School zone safety laws protect children getting on or off buses or walking to school.
When driving near a school, slow down.
And that’s smart safety!
For additional information or guidance, contact your safety office.