
Identifying nonmailable materials

It’s everybody’s job.

All employees are responsible for identifying nonmailable hazardous materials and removing them from the mail stream to keep mail safe. Handle a package as if it contains the contents on the markings or label. USPS employees may not remove, cross out or obliterate markings or labels on a mailpiece, even if directed to do so by a mailer. Each facility is required to establish at least one HAZMAT staging area to provide a safe location to stage these materials separate from regular mail.

If a mailpiece fits the characteristics of suspicious mail or is leaking an unknown substance, follow suspicious mail protocols (Publication 167B Response Checklist for Suspicious Mail and Unknown Powders or Substances) and contact the Inspection Service (1-877-876-2455).

Never allow employees to handle suspicious material.

That’s smart safety.

For additional information or guidance, contact your Safety Office.