Only share sensitive or sensitive-enhanced information with those with a need to know. If you need to share sensitive USPS information with external recipients, always encrypt your files before sending. How? Type “#sensitive#” in the subject line of the email to automatically encrypt the document and place it on a secure, web-based server that the external recipient can access.
Be mindful of postal policy when sharing content through social media.
Social media include blogs, wikis, YouTube, podcasts, social networking websites (such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn), microblogs, Web 2.0 — basically any form of online publishing or discussion.
Using social media on your own time is your decision. However, you can’t speak for or act on behalf of the Postal Service. All uses of social media related to the conduct of official postal business require management’s consent.
Following the social media policy protects our brand. And that’s smart business.
Find out more about the social media policy in the ASM, Section 363.
Refer to Handbook EL-809, Guidelines for Area/ Local Joint Labor-Management Safety and Health Committees, for guidance and information. Joint labor-management safety and health committees must be established and function in accordance with collective-bargaining agreements.
Employee involvement in safety results in a safer, more productive Postal Service.
And that’s smart safety!
For additional information or guidance, contact your safety office.