
Stay safe while traveling

Don’t leave home without them.

We’re talking about common-sense precautions when you travel.

Here are some tips to keep you, your belongings and your money safe during travel.

  • Don’t look like a tourist. Learn your route ahead of time. Step into a business for directions instead of asking a stranger on the street.
  • If you’re traveling alone, don’t advertise that fact. Stick with groups whenever possible and keep information-sharing with chatty cab drivers and strangers to a minimum.
  • Always have a lock for your luggage and use room safes to secure items.
  • Don’t advertise where you keep your money. Keep purses close to your body or under your clothing or jacket. Make sure your wallet is secure in your pocket and have a copy of your credit card numbers and the telephone numbers you need to cancel them.
  • Don’t wear flashy jewelry or expensive clothing.
  • Never open your hotel door without looking to see who’s knocking.
  • Place a copy of your passport and travel documents in your carry-on luggage, in case you lose the original documents.
  • Make sure family or friends know your itinerary.

Pay attention. Don’t allow yourself to be too preoccupied by that meeting you’re attending or tourist site you’re visiting to be safe.

And that’s smart safety.

For additional information or guidance, contact your safety office.