
Word to the Wise

What’s a “record?”

The Freedom of Information Act defines “record” as any information in an “agency record” that’s maintained by the agency in any format.

The Postal Service defines a “record” as “a discrete, distinct or segregable grouping of information that pertains to a specific topic” that’s recorded and is in the custody or control of USPS. This includes all electronic data.

“Personal records” — such as notes taken to refresh an employee’s memory and not integrated into agency files – are not considered “records” under the FOIA.

Keeping the definition of a “record” in mind while searching for documents that are responsive to a FOIA request ensures that the Postal Service will comply with all its obligations under the act.

And that’s smart business.

Contact your FOIA coordinator or FOIA team – at foia12@usps.gov – with any questions.