
Kre8 $traWng P@ssw0rd$

Password expiring soon?

Consider switching to a strong passphrase — a unique and memorable set of words. It’s the first line of defense for protecting sensitive Postal Service information.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a unique set of words and replace letters with special characters and numbers — for example, H@ppyN3wY3*r20!9!
  • Avoid using easily guessed words, like family members’ names and birthdays.
  • Make passphrases as long as possible, which makes it more difficult for criminals to guess.
  • Never share your passphrase with others — including trusted colleagues.

Protecting USPS information with strong passphrases is smart business.

Find more about cybersecurity best practices at CyberSafe at USPS on Blue or LiteBlue, or the external website at www.USPSCyberSafe.com.